Fiction & Nonfiction Editing
This is your book! But good editing will help your writing reach its peak. No matter where you are in your creative process, we can partner together to make sure your book grabs the attention it deserves. My experience in writing, editing, project management, marketing, storytelling, and coaching allows me to support you through all the facets of your writing journey. Keep in mind, when you work with an editor, you invest not only in a manuscript but also in your career as a writer.
What does your manuscript need?
Developmental Editing
Developmental editing is about making a manuscript richer and more engaging for readers. It looks at the entire book and assesses the strength of the core elements, including plot and character development, dialogue, tension, pace, and readability for fiction; thesis, organization, cohesiveness, and tone for nonfiction. For me, developmental editing is not just a letter of recommendations for you to sift through without a guide. I offer overarching feedback accompanied by line edits via track changes that contextually highlight problem areas and offer suggestions for fixing them. From there we can have a productive conversation about where you are struggling and the best ways to move forward. This edit includes two full rounds of review and feedback.
Line Editing
Line editing inspects each paragraph and sentence for opportunities to improve flow and continuity. I pay close attention to your style and tone while tightening sentence structure and ensuring the word choice is sharp and clear. A focus is also placed on dialogue and character voice. A line edit results in improved flow and readability. During line editing, I also highlight areas of improvement in punctuation, spelling, and grammar, as well as style guide adherence.
Copyediting looks at the nuts and bolts of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and usage errors. The focus is on correcting mechanical errors, aligning with the Chicago Manual of Style, and applying light formatting to fit publishing standards. This is typically recommended after a developmental edit or for a spectacularly well-devised and previously line-edited manuscript.
Manuscript evaluation
A manuscript evaluation is a detailed read of your entire book to assess its strengths and weaknesses prior to publication or submission to agents. This review results in an eight to ten-page editorial letter discussing any or all of the following areas for fiction including plot and story arc, character development, conflict, dialogue, POV, voice, pacing, and consistency; and thesis strength, organization, tone, pace, and overall readability for nonfiction. An evaluation is a great jumping-off point if your work has not had a lot of critiques; it can guide revisions or it can unfold the next steps on your writing path.
ready to Put the finishing touches on your manuscript?
Pricing is based on word count and the complexity of the project. I’m always happy to offer a free sample edit to ensure my style fits your needs.